I'll ask it again, what are we waiting for?
Why do we wait until a new year to be a better version of ourselves?
Why do we sit back and complain, instead of taking action and control over our lives?
Why is there always something else to do besides the actual thing we want / need to do?
The older I get, the more complicated things seem to become. But over the last several days I've decided to simplify. What's making me sad? Eliminate it. What's causing me grief? Eliminate it. What's getting too heavy to carry? Drop it! What a difference this mindset can make. And above all, what I am waiting for? The other shoe to drop? Both shoes have dropped as far as I can tell, and there isn't going to be any other time than this moment to get started. Yesterday is history & tomorrow is fiction for now. What are we always waiting for?
Today, I chatted with two of my best girlfriends to determine what we could do to fulfill our lives more - to be truly in control of our happiness and achieve our goals. We brainstormed tons of viable ideas. And ultimately it left me inspired and hopeful for the future... which brings me to this first blog post. Something simple, yet hopefully resonating with the untapped, unmotivated and utterly brilliant talent that YOU have. Guess what? You're ready, and so am I. What are we waiting for?
I am using this space as an opportunity to get out the messages and lessons I learn along my path, extending some vulnerability and honesty out to you all who may read, to let you know that you are not alone and that, with a little help from your (online and real-life) friends, we can do anything. The world is a mess, WE are a mess, but there is still much to share, experience, teach, learn, connect over - and that's what this is for. Connection - in a time where coming together to push and fight for change is so extremely imperative. Another part of life where I ask, what are we waiting for? Change is so blatantly and devastatingly needed in this world - country- and I and you, alone, can't do without each other. The world is ready, and so are we - individually and collectively. What small things can we do around us, in our lives and communities, that can begin to plant those seeds of change?
What small steps can we take everyday to achieve goals and aspirations in our personal lives? How can we create change and be change on personal, communal and global levels?
There is so much opportunity. I'm starting here, where will you start?
I'll leave you with a quote : "The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty." - Seneca the Younger
Basically, your power only exists in this moment, SO USE IT!
Sending love and gentle strength from the bath tub,